How We Can Help You
West Side Pharmacy has been serving Saline County for over 70 years. West Side provides a friendly and helpful atmosphere. We are focused on patient health and providing services, such as the advanced care program. As an added convenience, there is an ARCare Clinic next door.
Prescription fills
Immunizations- We offer a variety of immunizations to be given by the pharmacists.
RxONE- Our advanced care program that includes medications being packed for you.
Delivery- Medications delivered to your door at no extra cost to you.
Medication consultations- Pharmacists will meet with you to discuss any concerns or questions about medications or products.

Advanced Care
Our advanced care program allows us to provide expanded medical services to our patients. We take the time to collaborate with physicians and make sure we have refills and new prescriptions on file for our patients before they are needed.
Convenient and Safe
We have the ability to take all the medications a patient is on and prepare a monthly pack that is convenient and safe for the patient.
No more hassle over filling weekly pill boxes!
We provide free delivery and in-home medication counseling when requested.
Other Services
We also provide these services:
Flu Testing
Strep Testing
COVID-19 Testing
Birth Control Prescriptions

Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
Sat: 8am - 12pm
Sun: Closed